Set in the heart of the kedong valley, Lake Kwenia is a shallow lake west of Magadi and on its’ cliffs nest the largest known population of Ruppells Griffons Vultures south of Kenya. Enjoy hiking at this incredible attraction as you enjoy spectacular views of nature
and wildlife.

Depart Nairobi

Assemble at 7.a.m in the morning at the agreed location where

you shall be met by a Ziara holidays representative to brief you

on the tour.

Depart from Nairobi, and head straight to Lake Kwenia 106 KM.

Have a stopover at Rongai town where guests can shop

for snacks at own wish.

Arrive at lake Kwenia

Arrive at lake Kwenia, meet tour guide and commence hike. After the hike,

go to Lake Magadi Sports club and tented camp for lunch.

Return back to Nairobi

Head back to Nairobi.